Our Mission and Vision

We exist to create the understanding, generate knowledge, and forge the relationships which empower Papua New Guinea to capture sustained nation-building benefits from its natural resources.

Our Values

1. Integrity:

We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions, ensuring transparency and accountability.

2. Collaboration:

We believe in the power of collaboration, working together to achieve our strategic intent and create sustainable benefits for Papua New Guinea.

3. Sustainability:

We are committed to the sustainable use of natural resources, ensuring that we meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

4. Empowerment:

We empower our people and the communities we serve, enabling them to capture sustained nation-building benefits from their natural resources.

5. Innovation:

We embrace innovation, continually seeking new and better ways to create understanding, generate knowledge, and forge relationships.

Our Strategic Goals

In 2023 our strategic goals were launched as demonstrated in the list below.

  1. Government and Political

  2. Energy Transition

  3. Data

  4. Project Approval Rules

  5. Communication

  6. Community

  7. Membership

  8. National Content

  9. Investment Promotion through Events

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