Calendar of Events 2024

Events and Conferences

The Chamber plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) economic landscape, particularly in the mineral and energy sectors.

By hosting international and local conferences, workshops, and seminars, along with producing industry-relevant publications, the Chamber serves as an indispensable bridge between the government and the industry.

Its focus on key policies and legislation that impact both the sector and the nation at large is instrumental in fostering a conducive environment for growth and development.

The PNG Resources and Energy Investment Conference is a premier event, bringing together an impressive array of participants, including representatives from the Papua New Guinea and Australia Governments, Resource Sector Ministers, and Industry Leaders. This gathering is designed to spark discussions on the future direction of PNG’s Mining and Energy sectors, against a backdrop of rising global demand for minerals and energy and increasing concerns over environmental and social responsibility.

The conference emerges as a critical platform for stakeholders to engage in meaningful dialogue on sustainable strategies for exploiting these valuable resources. The involvement of government representatives, industry leaders, and sector ministers highlights the importance of collaboration and innovation in navigating the sector’s future.

Historically, the resource sector has been a cornerstone of economic growth and development in PNG, with the Mining sector playing a crucial role in revenue generation and job creation. Similarly, the Energy sector, with its offshore oil and gas projects, has significantly contributed to the nation’s finances. Despite these achievements, the sector faces challenges in environmental sustainability, community involvement, and fair benefit distribution.

Looking ahead, the conference aims to tackle these issues, exploring opportunities for responsible and sustainable investment. It is anticipated that discussions will cover a broad spectrum of topics, from technological innovations that improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact to policies that enhance local content and community participation.

Additionally, the conference will highlight PNG’s dedication to responsible resource development, seeking to draw global investors who share the nation’s vision for a balanced approach to extraction that prioritizes environmental conservation and community welfare.

The PNG Resources and Energy Investment Conference & Exhibition marks a crucial juncture for PNG’s Mining and Energy sectors. It provides a unique opportunity for government officials, industry leaders, and sector experts to come together and forge a path towards a sustainable and thriving future for the country’s resource industry.

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