Membership Features

New Year New Features for our Members. The Chamber is excited to present two new features on the Membership Form.

Member Referral Program

A reward will be offered if a new organization referred by a Member Organization successfully signs and joins as a Chamber member. A section of the Chamber Membership Form has the details. Visit the page here.

Landowner Company Participation

The Chamber is eager to encourage our landowner companies to join Chamber Membership. This is aimed at their participation and contribution to the Chamber’s events, seminars, forums, publications and other exciting offerings.

Chamber Membership Online Portal

The Chamber has automated its Members’ Services Portal. This Membership Portal will serve as an interactive site along with the Chamber activities, starting with the introduction of Membership Renewal for current members.

To renew your membership, click here.

Changes to Fees for Associate and Service Members

These are the fees requisite of becoming a member.

Associate Membership: K3,800

Service Membership: K3,200

For questions and inquiries, you can send us a message at

We look forward to your timely renewal and payment of membership so you can continue to be part of the Chamber and enjoy the benefits. While we strive to keep you informed and engaged with current pertinent developments in the resource space.

We would love to hear from you about what you would like featured in terms of engagement and offerings for the benefit of all our members. We have an exciting road ahead and value-packed activities for you so watch that space for our Events Calendar and other offerings via our online Portal.

Yes, 2024 is YOURS at the Chamber!

Thank you once again for your commitment and we look forward to a robust year of engagement and excitement.

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