With the 2023 PNG Resources & Energy Investment Conference commencing in a week’s time, preparations are on track for the event, with major project operators expected to highlight what is in store for PNG in the near future.

Among organizations that will feature prominently is Santos Limited, who have confirmed the attendance of their Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Gallagher.

Mr. Gallagher is among a few global CEOs that will headline this major annual industry event, and will be presenting on the opening day, to share Santos global perspective and outlook.

Other senior representatives from Santos will be providing project updates as well as announcing significant project and programs that Santos intends to see happen in 2024 and into the future.

When announcing their support for the event as a Principal Premium Sponsor, Santos Country Chair (PNG) Leon Buskens confirmed that the organization would be providing an exciting update on our Markham Valley Afforestation and Reforestation (AR) Project in Morobe Province.

In addition, the organization is also expected to highlight its business development and local content program once again with landowner companies, and the impact this has in the project communities in line with the company purpose to create a better world for everyone.

Furthermore, an update on its citizen development initiatives, which will include a major announcement on training opportunities, which is sure to be well received by the industry in PNG.

This year’s conference is anticipated to be the biggest international investment conference ever held by PNG, with over 1500 attendees with three floors of the Sydney International Convention Centre reserved for the four days duration of the Conference, and a program designed to promote investment in PNG’s resources and energy sector.

More information on the PNG Resources & Energy Conference can be found at https://pngcore.org/png-investment-conference-2023/

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