The mineral resources & energy sectors in Papua New Guinea continue to support the next generation of industry workforce.

Through industry’s support, all 2023 final year students were able to complete their PWE, which enabled them to graduate in April 2024.

According to Head of School of Mining Engineering at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUOT), Dr. Jim Lem, the support from industry was crucial to ensuring the successful completion of their bachelor’s degree program.

“I sincerely thank the immense support we received from the Industry through the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Resources & Energy (PNG CORE).”

“Their support, especially through our members Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML), K92 Mining, St Barbara (Simberi Gold Company Ltd), Hidden Valley Joint venture, Newmont, and Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited (KPHL) were crucial in allowing our students to complete their PWE requirements. As a result, all our students in the mining and mining engineering program graduated on April 5th, 2024.”

“We are thankful for the continued support by industry to PNGUOT.”

In response PNG CORE Chief Operating Officer Pansy Taueni-Sialis reaffirmed industry’s commitment to PNGUOT.

“As the peak body for the mineral resources & energy sectors in the country, PNG CORE is pleased to be a part of PNGUOT’s success.”

“In 2023, we partnered with PNGUOT to host the inaugural Community Affairs National Content Conference & Expo (CANCONEX) which was well received. This event provided the platform for closer cooperation by industry with the university, allowing for final year students to undertake their PWE.”

“It is pleasing to note that this support has enabled all final year students to graduate this year.”

“We look forward to continuing our partnership with PNGUOT in the coming years.”

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