PNG Mining and Petroleum 1st Webinar Series 2021

Images of the PNG Mining and Petroleum 1st Webinar Series 2021, Held in Port Moresby on Thursday 3rd of June, 2021. Key Speaker at the event; Prime Minister James Marape, alongside presenters Mr John Chambers of Santos, Wood Mackenzie and MineHutte.

2018 PNG Mining & Petroleum Investment Conference

This Investment Conference was the first event to showcase PNG’s investment opportunities to the world and has provided an international audience with comprehensive information on PNG’s mining and oil and gas industry for over two decades.

Extractive Industry Emergency Response Challenge

The PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum hosted the 2017 Extractive Industries Emergency Response Challenge (EIERC) from 2nd – 4th October at the PNG Maritime College in Madang. There were more than 200 participants and many of the participating teams came from the respective mining and petroleum projects.

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