Industry Awards Reinforces PNG Resource Industry Contributions and Importance

The PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum last night reinforced the importance of the resource industry to Papua New Guinea by recognising six outstanding initiatives driven by industry organisations towards the development of the country. These initiatives were recognised as part of this year’s Resource Industry Recognition Awards which was held in conjunction with the […]

Chamber welcomes Prime Minister Marape’s Vision Statement on Resources Sector

The Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has welcomed Prime Minister James Marape’s statement that successful mining and petroleum projects are crucial to his Government’s vision of greatly expanding the PNG economy and in improving living standards.   Mr Marape clarified his vision for the resources sector during a Business Breakfast today hosted by the Port Moresby […]

Chamber Urges Government to Deal with Lawlessness at Porgera Gold Mine

The PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has expressed sadness at the recent murder of a Porgera mine worker, urging the government to ensure that law and order is secure at the workplaces of commercial enterprises. The Chamber, in a statement today, stated that the shooting death of a Porgera mine employee, working as an […]

Resource Industry commitment to Safety to be Showcased in Challenge

Papua New Guinea’s only event that demonstrates the resource industry’s commitment to safe and secure work environments will be held in Port Moresby from September 30 to the October 02.  The PNG Extractive Industries Emergency Response Challenge (EIERC) will be staged at the Sir John Guise Stadium with more than 70 participants from the country’s […]

Resource Industry does not manipulate MRA

The new MRA Act passed by Parliament last year has removed all industry representation from the Board of the Mineral Resources Authority, the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum said today. The passage of the revised Act in February 2018 effectively removed the industry from the MRA Board. Therefore, claims by Jiwaka Governor Dr. William […]

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